Who We Are

The Pagan Pride Project is a non-profit organization. The primary purposes of this corporation shall be the advancement of religion and elimination of prejudice and discrimination based on religious beliefs.

Mission Statement:

The mission of the Pagan Pride Project is to foster pride in Pagan identity through education, activism, charity and community.

Defining the Mission Statement:

We try to keep our purpose balanced through the inspirations of Air, Fire, Water, and Earth:


Read a history of the Pagan Pride Project

What is a Pagan?

The following definition is for the purposes of the Pagan Pride Project. Others may define themselves or their group in different ways, and that's OK. Some groups that fit the categories we list may not call themselves Pagan, and that's ok too - that's why we say that first and foremost the definition of a Pagan is someone who self-identifies as a Pagan. But the following was created in order to have a functional definition to help educate the public about the spiritual paths we cover:


A Pagan or NeoPagan is someone who self-identifies as a Pagan, and whose spiritual or religious practice or belief fits into one or more of the following categories:


What the symbols on our logo stand for

Legal Paperwork

Our Papers of Incorporation

Our Bylaws